Dorothy Salisbury Davis (1916-2014) was known for her deeply human characters and the sensitivity and compassion with which she portrayed them in her suspense fiction. She was nominated for an Edgar Award six times, served as President of...
Stark House departed from its usual focus on mid-20th century authors when it produced this collection of North African short fiction by Robert S. Hichens (1864-1959) last year. Hichens was a prolific English author, beginning with his first novel published in 1886....
Christopher St John Sprigg (1907- 1937) was an English writer of poetry, plays, short stories, detective novels, and aeronautics textbooks. In his mid-20s he became fascinated by Marxism and his writing from then on reflected this new interest. When the Spanish Civil...
The running list of titles I kept during 2022 shows I attempted 146 books. I set 10 aside unfinished and completed the remaining 136 and possibly a few that didn’t get recorded. As I scanned the titles, the following are the ones that stood out. All but one were...
Algernon Vernon Mills (1905-1953) only wrote a few books, using the name Rupert Latimer. Murder After Christmas (MacDonald & Co., 1944; Poisoned Pen Press, 2022), a look at Christmas in England midpoint through the second World War, seems to be his last. Crime...